Do you have a 250k Pension Pot?

£250,000 Pension Fund?

Find out your options


Throughout your career, you have been saving hard and investing into your personal pension, but can you retire with a £250,000 pension pot?

Contact Pension Works today on 0808 164 2664 and you could benefit from:


Do you have a 250k Pension Pot?

Can you reach a £250,000 pension fund?

If you’re looking at ways of increasing your pension funds without increasing your monthly contributions, then checking the annual fees and hidden charges you are paying could be a great place to start. Reducing your management charges from 3% to 0.5% may not seem a lot, but this could equate to £1,000’s of pounds extra into your retirement funds.

Our free pension HealthCheck will carefully assess whether excessive fees or hidden charges are consuming your private pension, and potentially help you along the way to a £250,000 pension pot or greater.

Enter your pension pot size and age below, to see how much potential your private pension has to grow:

The lower the charges, the more you could potentially retire with.