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Pension Transfers – Your frequently asked questions.

When considering a pension transfer, there may be a thousand questions running through your mind that you want to ask a pension advisor. As experts in pension transfers, we manage and transfer pensions daily for hundreds of clients. With our Pension Transfer Gold Standard award by the Personal Finance Society, we are ideally placed to […]

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Should You Consider Delaying Taking Your Pension?

If you are counting down the days, weeks, months and years until your retirement day, you may want to reconsider taking early retirement. Working into your 70’s can bring many benefits to you personally. Mental and potentially physical happiness, as well as extra income you can invest in your pension.

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Are pension annuities a good option?

Since pension freedoms, a pension annuity has experienced something of a drop in popularity. Income drawdown has become increasingly popular, and many people have taken to the idea of being able to access money when they need it. However, it’s worth giving pension annuities a second thought – it might be the best option for […]

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Do I need a pension adviser to transfer my pension?

You might have arranged a loan, set up a mortgage, or even set up your own business without any help from a financial adviser. It’s tempting to take that approach to pensions – after all, retirement planning is a personal decision. However, for many people, using the services of a pension adviser can be not […]

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Present and future benefits of merging pension funds

If you have had a number of different jobs during the course of your working life it is quite probable that you will have acquired a range of smaller personal pension funds. For several reasons, it may be a good idea to merge them into one fund (this is called Pension Consolidation) so that you […]

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